The 2013 Early Tin Dusters Fall Color Run is over. The cars have (mostly) left town, and things in the District are returning to normal.
Each Tin Duster weekend is special, and each is different. This year’s event was certainly both of those. Like any other event of this magnitude, we have some things that we can tweak for next year, but I am excited about the possibilities for making this event better.
Spending time around the Tin Dusters makes you really appreciate all they do to make this event possible. They work year round to bring the thousands of people to our community. They are a fun, generous group who do an amazing job.
The highlight for me is always seeing the amazing work they do for Camp Callahan, a camp for special needs children in the area. Punkin (one of the Tin Dusters whose last name I can’t remember at this moment) goes around on Saturday with a special needs child who does their “Special Pick” Award. This year’s child was Isabella, an adorable young lady who enjoyed checking out all the cars. She chose “plain vanilla” a great car that had pin striping and a vanilla ice cream logo on it. Watching Isabella is as enjoyable as watching Punkin, who is so caring, going around with her. This is an award that means so much to the car who receives it as well. Anyone who has come to the show knows that the show is free. All the donations they receive are given to the camp. All the prizes, tickets, raffles, etc. generate much needed funds for these kids. Those who have come for a few years see the work the club does on their behalf and receiving this award means a great deal to them.
This year’s total for Camp Callahan was over $13,000. This is a wonderful camp for incredibly deserving children in the area. The funds are generated by some of the most generous individuals you could ever encounter (remember, almost all of these funds come from out of town individuals).
I am so thankful for the opportunity to be witness to some of these “behind the scenes” things that happen within the Color Run and the Tin Dusters Car Club. I am proud to be their partner and look forward to a fun-filled weekend each and every year.
Travis Brown, Executive Director