WHAT: Sanctity of Human Life Walk & Prayer ServiceWHEN: January 24, 2016 1:30 pm
WHERE: Rock Church
307 N. 36th Street Suite 105
Quincy, IL
Walk will be south on 36th Street to Maine and back to the church.
After the walk, there will be a short prayer service and refreshments.
Awards will be presented to the winners of the Poster/Essay Contest.
If weather conditions are not favorable for the walk, the program will still be held in the church at 1:30 pm.
Everyone is encouraged to attend the Memorial Walk.
A memorial walk to commemorate the Supreme Court decisions that made abortion legal on demand in our country.
SPONSORED BY: Right to Life of Adams County
January 17th through 24th is Sanctity of Human Life Week. This week is devoted to increasing public awareness and to commemorate the Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal on demand.