February 21, 2024
10:00 am
11:30 am
Learn to play pickleball! This program will be a class style format where participants are taught how to play and then have the rest of the time to play amongst others to sharpen their skills. Even if you have a basic understanding of the game, but would just like to freshen up on the rules or interpretations of the game, this is a class for you! Open gym for pickleball will take place after each class, so feel free to stay and play even more after the class has concluded.
Members Free | Non Members $8.50 per day
2024 Winter/Spring Session
Wednesdays, Jan 17–Feb 21
To learn more, visit: https://www.krocquincy.org/classes/sports-recreation#pickleball
Ages 18 & under must be accompanied in the gym by an adult player.
The Kroc Center
405 Vermont St
Quincy, IL 62301